Transforming Organizations...Transforming Lives...
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Transform Your Organization...
Consider This...
Participating in decision-making opportunities is highly correlated with employee job satisfaction.
In fact, research has shown that the major contributor to employees’ job satisfaction is their communication with management and their ability to influence workplace decisions.
For employees to be satisfied with their jobs, they must perceive themselves as valuable members of their organization whose input into organizational matters, such as decision-making, is expected and needed!
An organization is only as successful as the employees who comprise it, and optimum organizational performance is achieved through optimum employee performance.
Assisting your personnel in reaching their fullest potential is a primary goal of the services offered by Successfully Communicating (SC).
SC will show you how to open the lines of communication within your organization in order to promote more effective workplace relationships.
We provide a variety of workplace assessments to tap into your employees’ strengths, including:
DiSC Profile (click here for more info)
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
What's My Style?
360 Feedback
Leadership Effectiveness
Global Leadership Readiness
Team Functioning
Management and Supervision
Communication Skills
And More!
The development of these strengths will make your organization — and the people in it — prosper!