Transforming Organizations...Transforming Lives...
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Transforming Lives...
“Many thanks for coming over and spending 3 days with us. We are very appreciative of all of your help and counsel. I think you have helped us to talk through areas of importance to us and all of us definitely learned from the experience.”
“Heather was very positive about everything and very helpful. I’ll use this information to better myself in my everyday position whether at work or at my home/personal life.”
“We want to thank you. It was extremely useful and interesting information. As I mentioned, you provided us with numerous, significant and valuable insights.”
"Heather is professional. She is awesome. Very well done from start to finish. It was very interesting and informative. Heather was organized and terrific.”
Did You Know?
Across all organizations and industries, successful employees have one thing in common — the ability to EFFECTIVELY communicate in all
types of situations.
In fact, study after study has shown communication is the #1 SKILL employees must have to excel in the workplace!
How would your professional life change if you could FULLY tap into your communicative potential?
What if you could BETTER understand yourself and the people around you?
Would it lead to happier, healthier, more PRODUCTIVE workplace relationships?
Would it lead to increased and IMPROVED team functioning?
Would work be truly ENJOYABLE?
Good News...
Today you are one step closer to leading a fulfilling work life by tapping into your communication strengths and effectively addressing your areas of opportunity to create an atmosphere of mututal understanding and respect with EVERYONE at work.
Throughout the COLLABORATIVE Coaching Process, you'll have the opportunity to uncover your true communicative potential to create the type of work enironment and workplace relationships you've been seeking.
You'll receive support and guidance from Successfully Communicating (SC) for TRANSFORMING the issues that stand in the way of achieving your goals and building positive relationships with the people in your life.